name: ford prefect
nicknames: ix!
age/age range: its tricky!
pronouns: he/ix/42
gender: alien!
orientation: um, yes?
source, if fictive: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
fun fact: alien guy!! just a silly little man. gay gay homosexual gay
member id: hxznb
fav. song: la telenovela - rob cantor
lyric from song: you dont need to tell me twice, i'm taking my own advice
fav battlebots: hijinx, shatter, hypershock!

"have you got your towel?"
" "
" "


HELLOOOO im ford ix prefect yadda yadda yadda! im so bad at acting human im just a little guye..... little alien boye.. hoopiest frood around... sorry if i get anything wrong or something HEEHEEH


is this person in the control room?